Friday, July 8, 2022

The Choice to Have Children is the Fundamenatal Choice of Our Lives: We'll Miss it Now that it's Gone

 Family is everything. Who do you love? Will you have children together? At what stage in your life will you have children? How many? How will you manage those burdens, those challenges, those joys together? 

More than where you live, more than where you work, these questions about family and children -  whether, when, how, and with whom - are absolutely central to who you are. They are the choices that define your life. 

I find it astonishing, and tragic, that anyone would want to take those choices away. From everyone. It seems impossible that anyone would be so insistent that the right to control your own body does not belong to Americans. I’m saddened that the fundamental choice of with whom you will have and raise children is not contained within their definition of what it means to live in freedom. People who throw around phrases like “liberty” and “limited government” are insistent that the defining choices of our lives do not belong to us. These are not rights that we have. The government gets to make those decisions. 

Everyone who has had multiple (opposite sex) partners, everyone who had sex as a teenager, everyone who had sex, at any time, with someone with whom they were not fully prepared to raise the child that could have been conceived right then and there - and that is a group that includes almost everyone - all of those people benefitted enormously from the rights that they enjoyed. Until now. 

Those fundamental rights have been taken from all of us.

And for what?

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